Color examples Color 0AĬreates a black background with light bright green text, similar to many of the FTP, telnet, and old BBS console screens.
The COLOR command sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 if an attempt is made to execute the COLOR command with a foreground and background color that are the same. This value either comes from the current console window, the /T command line switch or from the 'DefaultColor' registry value. If no argument is given, this command restores the color to what it was when cmd.exe started. Each digit can be any of the below values. Specifies color attribute of console output.Ĭolor attributes are specified by TWO hex digits - the first corresponds to the background the second the foreground. While most users don't even pay attention to the color of the logon screen, there is a category of users (myself included) who prefer to customize the OS. The Logon screen is the one which displays user accounts and appears right after the Lock Screen. Sets the default console foreground and background colors. Like its predecessor, Windows 8.1 still has no option to change the color of the Logon screen. Color is an internal command and is available in the following Microsoft operating systems.